Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Homemade Laundry Soap

The entire bar of Zote, 2 cups of each of the others. I cut the bar soap into small pieces and then mix these in a big bowl. I then put about 2 cups of this mixture at a time in my Blendtec for about 10 seconds. This will fluff it up and make it so that it will dissolve easily in my front loader. Use between 1/4 to 1/2 cup per load. 

I buy a package of Zote. (Yes, the Mexican bar soap. And I use white to get rid of the coloring. I have used the pink one when I could not find the white one though.). Borax, Washing Soda, and Epsom Salts. That is all. 
Some people put essential oils in this mixture. I do not. I have found that I prefer to use a nice old wash cloth with a few drops of lemon and lavender in my dryer for my dryer sheets. If I do not dry the clothes too long, I do not get very much static.


RPessetto said...

Does zote keep your whites white? I use dr bronners Castile soap instead but sometimes my whites need a little brightening. And do you put essential oils on your rag for every load? How often?

Amy F. P. said...

This recipe came recommended. I've never used it. I just needed a place to store it so it wouldn't get lost so I can try it sometime.